August 8, 2024
Dear James Bay neighbours,
It saddens me to write to you today.
You’ll be aware that as of August 1, the bylaw which lists parks where sheltering is prohibited includes Irving Park.
My understanding was that those who had been sheltering there as of mid-April, when the motion was placed to put Irving Park on the prohibited sheltering list as of August 1, were either housed by August 1 or had temporarily relocated while waiting for their committed housing placements to be made ready for them – and a couple people refused housing. This is known through public statements.
As many people left the park for housing over the past few months, others moved in. Recently, CHEK News has carried articles which identified a couple of those who were in the park as of last Thursday, August 1. The more recent CHEK News article (August 7) reported that Pacifica Housing, the agency which has been assessing needs and arranging for housing placements for those sheltering in parks, stated they were no longer deploying outreach workers to Irving Park because “the circumstances have changed at Irving Park”.
This statement caught me by surprise, as I’m sure it caught many of you by surprise. I have made enquiry of the Mayor and City staff asking about intentions regarding Irving Park.
Like many of you, I walk by Irving Park several times a week. I have been watching the changes over the past months. I didn’t see any reduction in number of tents when I walked by this morning.
Over the past months, you will have read statements by VicPD that tents are often used for purposes other than sheltering. For storage, for drug use, or for staking out territory.
I have communicated with several of you and my advice remains. Be vigilant and do not get in harm’s way.
For almost 10 years I spoke against the “winners and losers” approach to sheltering in parks. I will continue to do so.
It has also been my position that the use, and support of, illicit drugs should not be supported within our City.
During past Thursday evening council meetings there have been speakers, most being advocates for sheltering in parks, presenting to Council. It may be informative to listen to what they said (e-links below). They spoke for only 12-15 minutes at the beginning of each of meeting (3 minute max per person).
Please be careful, be safe,
Marg Gardiner
Links to Council meetings (note: not all listed speakers turned up)